Not down to the Harbour because it’s too icy down there after the floods, but into the garden for the annual move out of all the pot plants. Then I sweep up the leaves and soil and wonder where so much of it comes from, and have a think about how I want it to look in the coming summer and what gaps need filling.
It is cold. No two ways about it. Not, as I always seem to say, that cold compared to how it is for so many of you, but this means I’m not used to it and my arthritis doesn’t like it so everything is harder work. But the sun is shining in a blue sky after weeks of grey so it still seems amazing to me.
On Wednesday the second half of winter begins. On Tuesday, sunset is at 4.30 and on Friday sunrise is at 8 o’clock. The days are now getting longer by two whole minutes each day. I’m not wishing the days away, but I’m pleasantly aware of the first signs of spring. One lone crocus bulb is coming into bud. I don’t know why it’s so far ahead but I smile whenever I walk past it. The wild garlic is sending out shoots under the apple and cherry trees and the first signs of bulbs can be seen all over the garden. Soon, there'll be snowdrops. On the table by the back door there are already some little primroses, and they're flowering their heart out when I see them every time I go outside. And here they are for you too.
In the meantime, I’m enjoying nesting indoors in these last six weeks or so of winter. I’ve tried new recipes, including a wicked creamy tomato soup that I’ll make for tea tonight in the slow cooker and have with French bread rolls. I’ve found that my pillar candles look much better on candlesticks and swapped the Christmas silk flowers for pansies. Soon I’ll swap them for daffodils. I’ve sorted out more clothes in our room because the nice thing about steadily losing weight is that my clothes don’t fit as well. Or in some cases, they fit better than they have for years. I’m currently wearing a lovely warm jumper that I bought before I had children and it’s nicely loose.
Writing wise I’m working on the summer short story series and soon I’ll be looking at the last draft of this summer’s Esther and the Professor. I’m well ahead of where I want to be courtesy of the weather so this week I shall happily head out for long walks and time in the garden.
So yes, life is good and I just need to get out there and live it according to what I can do. Let me know what you’re doing, won’t you? And be happy and stay safe…
Today’s picture is of a garden in progress that's being guarded by a cat. Gardens are never finished and neither am I, and I wouldn't want to be, would you?