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In search of time and wisdom

There never seems to be enough time…

So I’ve bought myself some more. Okay it’s actually variegated thyme but it’s a start, isn't it? It’s part of my big garden revamp for this year. Last summer, you see, the big rosemary bush that had self seeded in the garden wall died suddenly, as rosemary’s do when they reach a certain age. Luckily I’d got lots of cuttings from it because it came from another plant which I’d grown from a sprig of rosemary that was in the posy that was tucked inside my prayer book on my wedding day, almost 39 years ago. So were myrtle and lavender and I’ve got lavender plants that are descended from that too. I tried to root the myrtle but it didn’t take so my darling husband’s got me a little myrtle bush for our 39th wedding anniversary and it’s growing nicely.

Anyway, next door put up a taller wall when they had a dog who leapt up, so I have a wall with a smaller wall behind it. Add some string that I covered with little lights and I’ve got a narrow raised bed that catches the sun all day and then the heat radiates from it at night. The old branches now have lights hanging from them, as you can see.

I want it to be a home for plants that like mediterranean conditions so I’m going for rosemary, thyme, lavender and myttle and growing them on from cuttings or small plants. So for now, at least, there’s also some coprosmia (mirror plants) and fir trees which are like miniature Christmas trees and, oddly enough, smell of pine.)

And here's a picture...

Today is Saturday and a nice sunny day when it isn’t being cloudy and showing off how strong an east wind can be. It is now spring and my plug plants have finally arrived after going on a nice trip round Royal Mail Parcel Depots. (Don’t ask. Especially don’t ask how I felt when the delivery driver said ‘Haven’t you got a lot of parcels?’ I was proud of myself though because I explained how they came to be held up and how many days overdue their alleged tracked rapid deliveries were without raising my voice. I also made it clear that it wasn’t the fault of the person who actually did deliver them. Then I ate chocolate. That wasn’t so good, but it was a lot better than I could easily have been.

So it’s time to play and plant and move things round and here are some pictures to show you how that's going. The little ones are on the kitchen windowsill which is the warmest, sunniest spot in the garden. They’re more thyme, pink and white lavender and purple sage for wisdom, which again seemed to be a good idea because you can never have enough of that either. This time next year they’ll be on the wall but I like growing from plugs because it’s cheaper and they seem to grow better. My daffodils are out of shot and there are a lot of them because I plant them each year because I’m always desperate for spring colour by now. Some of them came from my late father who there’s a lot of in Peter Cunningham from the Amy Hammond series and others from my big sister who is naturally nothing at all like Laura. No. No way. Not even a tiny little bit!!!

See you on Tuesday and have a good week!


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